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Selectmen Minutes 08/12/2008
Chichester Board of Selectmen
Minutes of Meeting
August 12, 2008

Members present:  Chairman Richard DeBold, Selectman Stephen MacCleery, Selectman Jeffrey Jordan, and Administrative Assistant Jamie Pike.

Others present:  Mark Drew, Road Agent David Kenneally, Alan Mayville, Fire Chief Gil Vien,  Deputy Chief John Uitts, Police Chief Patrick Clarke, Building Inspector David Paveglio, Deputy Building Inspector Mike Paveglio, Mike O’Rourke, and Roger Landry.

Chairman DeBold called the meeting to order at 7:00pm.  Mr. DeBold opened the meeting acknowledging that the meeting was being recorded.  The audience was instructed that each member would be recognized by the Chairman, and were asked to keep conversation between members to a minimum.

Police Department – Chief Patrick Clarke

Chief Clarke informed the Board that the Concord Monitor had called his office concerning the 108mph traffic violation on Center Road.  Chief Clarke’s surgery is scheduled for September 5th.  He is expected to be out of the office for approximately a week and then will be on light duty for an additional 4 weeks.  During this time he will not be able to patrol.  Chief Clarke reported that the DWI checkpoints for Chichester are completed for the year.  Mr. MacCleery asked if there had been follow-up with the noise complaint at Chuckster’s.  Chief Clarke reported that he had spoken with both Mark Blasko and Chuck Breton.  Two of the speakers have been turned off, and the staff has been instructed to not adjust the sound level.  Chief Clarke has informed Ms. Stevens that two of the speakers have been turned off, and there have been no further complaints.

Building Inspector – David Paveglio

Mr. Paveglio reported that he had met with the Planning Board concerning the format of a new Commercial Occupancy Permit.  This draft has been sent out to the members for comment and revision for finalization at the next meeting.
Mr. Paveglio will be using this draft version to issue a permit to 763 Second Street, LLC.   Mr. DeBold signed a Building Permit for Mike Paveglio.

Highway Department – David Kenneally

Mr. Kenneally acknowledged the Board’s memo concerning Pleasant Street and should get to it this week, weather permitting.  Mr. Kenneally also reported that he had received a complaint about the trees at the end of Smith Sanborn Road.

Sand Bid-  5 Bids have been received for the supplying of the Town with winter sand; all prices are per ton delivered.

        Decato Sand -   $  6.20
        Concord Sand-   $11.50
        FillMore        $10.70
        Merrill Const.  $  5.45
        Mark Drew       $  5.40

Mr. Kenneally recommended purchasing the material from Merrill Construction, because he would prefer to not deal with a middle man.

Salt Bid- 2 Bids have been received for the supplying of the Town with winter salt; all prices are per ton delivered.

        Granite State Minerals          $64.41
        International Salt              $82.00

Mr. Kenneally recommended purchasing the material from Granite State Minerals.  Another vendor had been contacted for pricing but was unwilling to provide pricing to new customers.

Mr. MacCleery made a motion to award the winter sand purchase of approximately 3000 ton at a price of $5.40 per ton delivered to the Town Shed to Mark Drew.  Amended that such material is to be supplied from Pembroke Sand and Gravel.  Motion seconded by Mr. Jordan.  Amended motion passes.   Mr. DeBold stated that if this arrangement is not working out, a change could be made.

Mr. MacCleery made a motion to use Granite Sate Minerals for winter salt at $61.41 per ton.  Motion seconded by Mr. DeBold.  Motion passes.

Mr. Jordan expressed his concern about the amount of salt being used and concerned about the well within the Town.

Mr. MacCleery asked Mr. Kenneally what his reasons were for wanting to put in place a No Thru Trucking Ordinance on Center Road.  Mr. Kenneally stated that keeping the road from being destroyed is a good reason.  Mr. Pike was directed to contact the Town of Pittsfield in regards to their ordinance as it had been noticed that Concord Hill Road was posted.

Fire Department – Chief Gil Vien and Deputy Chief John Uitts

Chief Vein presented the Board with a budget overview and which lines were going to be overspent.  Chief Vien recommended that the purchase of a transmission for the Forestry vehicle not be made.  The truck is not needed right now and the department does not need the truck at all and it is not a high priority taking current weather conditions into consideration.  Chief Vien recommended holding the purchase until next year’s budget season.  Mr. MacCleery stated that the department does have 2 small forestry vehicles and the new forestry vehicle has never been in service.  The Board shall speak with the Fire Warden before any formal decisions are made.  Chief Vien stated that 2 quotes for the heating system have been received; Rymes $4000.00 and Demaris $5000.  Both of these systems would be located in the attic and some minor construction would be needed.  Montero and Bow Plumbing have still not submitted their bids for the project.  Mr. Uitts said that they might be able to limp through season and get a more efficient system in the next year.  Mr. MacCleery suggested that a heating efficiency professional inspect the system to make proper recommendations.  Rymes also proposed placing multiple monitor heaters in the building to heat the offices and student quarters.

Capital Improvement Committee –

Mike Paveglio summarized for the Board that the CIP Committee has reviewed all the submissions and found most incomplete with poorly described projects.  The committee is putting together templates for the departments to use for roads and equipment to assist in their project budgeting.  This template will provide more standardized information.  The committee understands that this is quite a different process for the department heads and is willing to aid them in any way possible to get through the learning curve.  The Library was commended on the quality and completeness of their submission.  Ms. Drouse is working with the Police Department in completing their submissions.  The committee is asking for the Board’s support of the program.  The Board agreed that they are in support of the program and shall draft a memo to the department heads.  Mr. DeBold does feel the department heads may be defensive in any challenges.

Mike Paveglio

Mr. Paveglio would like the Board to reconsider the need of having two ambulances for the Town.  It was agreed that there are arguments on both sides of the issue.  Mr. Paveglio is to prepare a position paper on the subject for submission to the Board.
Mark Drew

Mr. Drew encouraged the Board to research RSA 231 prior to adoption of a no thru trucking ordinance for Center Road.
Mr. Drew acknowledged his receipt of the Board’s notice of violation, and noted that the work of Town Counsel in its preparation was substandard.  Mr. Drew suggested Mr. Pike to research the RSA concerning the assessment of penalties as $275.00 is for a second offense and not the first.  Mr. Drew stated that he is preparing to submit an application to the ZBA for an appeal of the Board’s decision.  Mr. Pike reported to the Board that RSA 676:17 clearly states that a civil penalty of $275.00 shall be subjected upon a first offense and a penalty of $550.00 for subsequent offenses.

Correspondence was reviewed.  It was noted that Dodge Computer is increasing their rate to $60 per hour.  Mr. Pike was directed to research the terms of a contract if any.  The assessment letters have been issued and Mr. MacCleery expressed his frustration with the letter.  Mr. MacCleery acknowledged he was quite adamant about eliminating Avitar due to their lack of professionalism. It was noted that Purvis was not completing 20% of the Town’s data verification.  Mr. MacCleery shall report back to the Board with his opinion of Purvis & Associates following his assessment hearing.
The minutes of August 5th were reviewed and approved with minor correction.

The Budget Committee has been scheduled for an initial meeting with the Selectmen on September 2nd.

Due to their being no meeting on September 9th due to the State Primary, the department heads meeting is re-scheduled for September 2nd.

Mr. Reinhardt from the Historical Society submitted a final report of the siding project.

Mr. DeBold raised for discussion the parameters of the Bidding Policy.  Mr. DeBold feels the lower end level of $500 is too low to require 3 bids and presents an undue burden to the department heads.  Mr. DeBold suggested a change to $1000 for the requirement of 3 bids.  Mr. Jordan also feels $500 is too low of a threshold.

Mr. DeBold shall follow-up on the Patten zoning complaint.  It was noted that it appeared they had been working on coming into compliance.

Mr. Jordan shall speak with Mr. Ducette concerning the status of his zoning complaint.

Ms. Pam Mitchell of DOT District 5 reported to the Board that the tree on Main Street had been trimmed mid-July.  Mr. Pike was directed to follow-up with Ms. Judy Clark if the issue she had raised had been corrected.  

Mr. Pike asked the Board if it was their desire to forward the Drew zoning violation to Town Counsel.  Mr.  MacCleery would like to see if Mr. Drew is going to file an appeal with the ZBA.  Mr. DeBold stands by the decision of the Board to immediately forward the case to Town Counsel.  The Board was in agreement that any new information should be provided to Town Counsel.

Being no further discussion a motion was made to adjourn the meeting at 9:15pm by Mr. MacCleery and seconded by Mr. DeBold.  Motion passes.

Respectfully submitted,

                                                                        Not Yet Approved.
Jamie A Pike

Richard DeBold, Chairman                             Stephen MacCleery                            Jeffrey Jordan